04 May 2014


The celebration and honouring of  International Permaculture Day this May the 4th couldn't have been finer than by 'cranking the goodness' at the Garden.

In true Garden style, the organic fair trade coffee was flowing in the early morning as Greg worked his magic on the machine and kept the gardeners smiling as they hooked into garden maintenance. 

The forecast, gale force winds out of the south west reminded us of Wollongong's indigenous name, 'windy place', however the windbreak plantings provided an ideal microclimate to work in for the day.

We had a great turnout, with folk coming from Marrickville, new volunteers from as far as Wombarra and Brazil, as well as  the usual local gardening varieties who love to get down and dirty in the humus!

Todd's bobcat made short work of the north western corner in preparation for the new raised garden beds. 

Lisa, Fran and Claudia prepared new beds for the winter legumes of broad beans and snow peas. The fungi decomposed paths were dug up and mounded on the beds to build the soils before a light straw top dressing ready for direct seeding.

Tommy D, Alan and the rest of the mob got into the planting out self seeded local chard, garlic seed and a second planting for the season onion crop. They got into the rhythm with interplanting the leafy green and brassica beds with broad beans, a valuable little tip for robust yields.

In other spirals, the compost was turned, while the food forest mulched with a combination of wood chip and pigeon manure. (There's a good story about the Illawarra pigeon fanciers and the banning of falconry in Australia that will be told in good time... )
The Garden Feast was another joy, although small it was extremely tasty.
We believe in direct action, be the change we want to see in the world, and have a great time doing it. See you all June.

The fossil fuelled and solar powered approach to composting

The infamous Garden Feast around the 'table of goodness'

The Permaculture mob and new friends 


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